Blogtober 27: planning & goals

Every month, I set four or five goals for myself. They’re related to my yearly and five-year goals, but I’ve come to a problem. One of my main goals for my life was to come back to Germany….and I’m here now. So here I am, twenty-eight and goalless.

The way I set goals is based on a ton of stuff I’ve read online, but the biggest influence for me is definitely Ella The Bee. I can’t recommend her videos enough if you speak German; her weekend reset videos helped me a lot when I was floundering after graduate school.

Every month I look at the previous month’s goals and write out the answers to three prompts: what worked, what didn’t work, and things to change. I look at those to make my monthly goals for the upcoming month. Since I enjoy using my planner, this is really helpful. I’ve had goals as big as taking the TestDaF and as small as reading a book a week or calling my grandmother. I’m usually successful in this area because motivation isn’t my problem; it’s remembering what I wanted to do.

Luckily, there are only two months left in this year. I might just let myself be pleased that my yearly goals went so well, and leave the next round of goal-setting for 2020. After all, completely upending your life doesn’t just take a few days and I should enjoy my success this year. If I don’t let myself stay still and be happy, there isn’t a point to any goal at all.