Blogtober 30: the lie

Tonight is the Halloween party on campus. It turns out that when everyone entering college is of legal drinking age, there are a ton of public parties on campus. I’ve promised some friends that I’ll meet them there, and I’m cautiously optimistic about my costume. I’m going as Eloise, the six year old who runs The Plaza because I already have the jumper and shirt. It sounds like a good time, so of course I found myself in bed at 5 pm with a migraine.

I debated whether to take my meds for this one or not. It’s always a debate because if you take the meds too often, you get rebound migraines. They’re just like regular ones, but they happen more frequently. I decided to stop worrying and love the ritzatriptan, and now I’m feeling much better.
My other option would have been to call it a night at 5 pm and tell my friends I cant make it. The problem with this is that it invariably sounds like a lie. I’m the type who doesn’t really go to parties and prefers to stay in. whenever I stay home with a headache, it feels like just another excuse. Eventually, invitations stop and you’re at home on the night before a public holiday because you have no other options. So I took the meds. If you’ll excuse me, I have a party to attend.

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